Aspiring Illustrators

The English Library is looking for aspiring illustrators. Please send us your drawings to publish here. Your first assignment: The English Library. What is a library? What kind of place should it be? Send in your illustrations.

Title: The girl in the library Artist: Marina Age:

Artist: Marco Age:6

Artist: Saffron Age:2

Artist:  Anonymus

Artist:  Anonymus

Artist: Raphael Age:2

Artist:  Valentina  Age: 1 yr 8 mo.

Title:  Book        Artist:  Milo         Age: 
Artist:  Chloe  Age:  7


  1. Lol! I love it! Go Marina!!! ;o)
    See if I can talk Lola into a contribution! haha.

  2. I like it, and I like it a lot! Excellent job Marina!

  3. Good job Marina MAybe she could do one for pinetree too!
